8th Mustang Birthday Meet and Cruise, 13th of April, 2014

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Moderátorok: TomiTomi, StangMan

Hozzászólások: 22159
Csatlakozott: 2007.05.23 20:10
Tartózkodási hely: Budapest

8th Mustang Birthday Meet and Cruise, 13th of April, 2014

Hozzászólás Szerző: TomiTomi » 2014.01.19 19:26

8th Mustang Birthday Meet and Cruise


Date: 13th of April, 2014., Sunday
10:00 Meeting on 56-osok Tere (Felvonulási tér) between Damjanich street and Városligeti fasor
10:30 Cruise to the Kakucsring.
- distance: ~87 km (54 mls)
- route: here.
12:30 Dinner in the buffet of the Kakucsring
- menu here
13:30 Preparation for the presentation
- Mustangs in front sorted by year, other US Fords behind them
14:00 Presentation of the cars on the ring
14:30 Track Day
- estimated fee 10 000 Ft/car
- the track itt. Length ~ 1 km (0.6 mls)
- free driving
- max 5 cars will be on the track at the same time
- number of participants is limited, ON cars and forum members have priority
- everybody uses the track at his own risk
- wearing helmet is mandatory
- using seat belts is mandatory
- those, who endanger others, will be sent off the track
18:00 Starting Home

Tom Miller makes our video this year. (He made Starsky & Mach)

Our videos from last year:

All US Fords, Mercurys, Lincolns, Edsels, Meteors and Shelbys welcome!

:torino: :stang: :stang: :sh:


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